Movie time!
Nearly every post here seems to feature a "Kevin and Kelly on a bus" shot, and that's because there isn't a whole lot to do in Wufong where our university is located. However, with abundant and relatively inexpensive transportation, this is rarely a problem, and trips to Taichung are quickly becoming a twice- or thrice-weekly occurance.
This week was no exception, and a whole bunch of students and TAs piled onto the bus to Tiger City, one of Taichung's trifecta of ultra-swanky multi-story malls. (The other two -- Shin Kong Mitsukoshi and Taichung Central -- are located a short walk away in the same downtown area). As you can see from the picture above, the view from the top of the mall is lovely.
What were we doing at the top of the mall, you ask? We were watching Transformers in Tiger City's "Gold Class" movie viewing area. Now, Transformers would probably not be among my top choices for going to see a film, but for approximately $10 USD, the opportunity to watch a fun, patriotic film in luxurious reclining seats with little tables and the option of being served drinks and fancy deserts was too good to pass up. (Above are some of the reclining seats -- the trailer for Ratatouille is faintly visible on-streen).
However, in what was by far the most important event of the day, Kevin and I located the bookstore in which Miles (one of my favorite TAs) had promised I could reserve my very own copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The webpage Miles and I had found said that the English language version of the book would be available for something like $2375 NTD, which is more than $70 USD. This is a lot to spend for one book, especially one retailing for around $25 USD in the States, but I had thought it out and decided it was worth it. However, we were thrilled to discover that the website was wrong, and I wound up reserving a book for less than $15 USD!!!! At that price, Kevin had to have one too.
Now, we are just counting down the days until the great event. Sadly, there will be no giant wizard parties in bookstores at midnight in Taiwan as there will be all over the US and UK, so I have to wait until 11am on the 21st (when the bookstore opens) to obtain my copy. If I reckon my dates and times correctly, I should get the book just one hour before friends back home on the east coast... some small consolation for having to languish through 11 hours of no Harry Potter on the 21st here!!
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